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网址:  2021-08-26  作者:admin    阅读:

For example, the first article has 13 questions, the second article has 13 questions, and the third article has 14 questions. (there are 3 articles in total, and the answer time of each article is 20 minutes). IELTS will not be like TOEFL, but there will be some out of order questions.
而托福题型不是固定的(共3篇文章,美篇文章为10道题),且托福考试还需要看“运气”,因为可能会出现加试的情况。如果出现加试的话就是4篇蠕动泵 保定建筑设计 保定网站建设 保定网站制作 保定网络公司 保定办公家具 保定轻钢别墅 文章,每篇文章是18分钟,一共72分钟,非常考验考生的耐心。
However, the type of TOEFL test is not fixed (3 articles in total, 10 questions in the United States), and the TOEFL test also needs to see "luck", because there may be additional tests. If there is an additional test, it is 4 articles, each article is 18 minutes, a total of 72 minutes, very test candidates' patience.

